How Much Over Masturbation Is Bad For The Health?

Over masturbation is a serious unhealthy behavior leading way to physical and psychological consequences. Frequent masturbation stimulates parasympathetic nerve functions which produce high acetylcholine, serotonin and dopamine concentration in body. Excessive production of sex hormones due to over masturbation leads to weakening of reproductive organs. Symptoms due to over masturbation, medically termed as sexual exhaustion may induce several health problems. If this addictive behaviour is not cured in earlier stages, it may negatively impact your marital life causing infertility condition. Now, let’s see some of the harmful effects of over masturbation or how much over masturbation is bad for the health?

Semen leakage is one among the main bad health conditions caused due to over masturbation. It is a condition caused by uncontrolled discharge of semen. This condition due to involuntary semen discharge is also known in the names of wet dreams, nightfall or nocturnal emission. This mainly happens due to weakening of reproductive organs which may even lead to the condition of infertility. Shilajit capsules, kava-kava seeds, NF cure capsules and ashwagandha are some of the natural remedies suggested for curing semen leakage. Impotence in youth is another disorder induced due to over masturbation. Weakening of parasympathetic nerve caused by over masturbation shuts down ejaculation and hold erection. Overcoming the behaviour of masturbation is the best prescribed cure for preventing the risks of impotence.

Fatigue is a notable bad health condition caused due to over masturbation. Over stimulation is the key factor inducing fatigue among those who does over masturbation. High mental stress, under stimulation, active recreation and depression are other factors inducing tiredness or fatigue among masturbating patients. Hair loss or thinning of hair is another side effect of over masturbation. Studies say that people doing over masturbation are more prone to hair loss. Severe back pain is one among the bad health conditions induced by over masturbation. Frequent masturbation may also result in bad health conditions like migraine, stomach pain and leg cramps. Dizziness, memory loss, lack of concentration, joint pains, drowsiness, mood swings and confusion are other consequences due to over masturbation.

Soft or weak erection is a bad health condition caused due to over masturbation. Today, lots of rejuvenating medicines are available for the treatment of over masturbation. Increasing the level of zinc concentration in body, intake of more diary foods, consuming gingko biloba and ashwagandha are some of the commonly suggested cures available for the treatment of erectile dysfunction problems. Fuzzy vision or blurred vision is another health hazard caused by over masturbation. It may be happened due to weakening of nerve muscles by over stimulation. Severe testicular pain is a reported bad health condition due to over masturbation.

Erectile dysfunction, impotence and semen leakage are some of the risk factors generated from testicular pain. Frequent occurrence of cramp in pelvic cavity is another side effect caused by over masturbation. Intake of orange juice, eliminating caffeine products from diet and intake of more soybean products are some of the cures suggested for overcoming the bad health effects of over masturbation.

Read about Side Effects of Over Masturbation. Also know about herbal Erectile Dysfunction Pills.